Java Programming for Beginners: An Eclipse GNU/Linux Friendly Intro (TPE-JAVABK)Interested in learning to program? Java is among one of the most popular programming languages for beginners today. The language is both powerful and free of error-prone concepts, such as pointer arithmetic, making it a great introductory language.
If you've never written a line of code before and your running GNU/Linux you've found the right book to get started. Java Programming for Beginners covers the basics of java using a penguin friendly integrated development environment called Eclipse. Eclipse is well supported under most GNU/Linux distributions and additional tutorials for configuration and setup can be found online. Java Programming for Beginners explains important programming concepts in an easy and comprehensive way, allowing beginners to familiarize themselves with the Java programming language quickly and easily. There are programming examples for most introductory topics to reinforce the lessons. Furthermore, the book recommends an additional sixty-five webpages that can help readers improve their Java coding skills.